Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Story 4: I Fell Off the Tree

(Click here to hear audio.)

I’m a good climber. I can climb tree all day today. I remember I fell off the tree in Kenya. Once, it was a little funny though.

It was me and my little brother and my dad’s brother. He went to school, my dad’s brother. He’s 16 now. Then I climbed the tree, and I broke the tree. So when I was in the tree, I tried to pull it. The thing I was trying to pull, it was hard. I thought it was stuck. So what I was thinking was, “Okay. Hang onto it, and then jump.” When I held it, it wasn’t even holding nowhere. So when I just holding it, I just fell down. Then I was laying down one minute and then I got up. But I didn’t get hurt.

You know, it was really funny. My brother, my uncle, my dad’s little brother were there laughing at me. They still remember.

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