Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Story 17: I Slept Outside

(Click here to hear audio.)

In Kenya, like we got our own property so we just cover. In New York it’s cold, but there it’s hot. Sometimes people just sleep outside. So you sleep outside or you go inside. You make a big house. You’ve got different rooms. Here you’ve got a living room inside, but there, we don’t got living room inside…just outside. You’ve got your kitchen outside. You build it somewhere. That’s how it is. And here you cannot sleep outside. But I slept outside one night here.

I slept outside, me and my brother. He was telling me like, “Let’s sleep outside.” So I said, “Okay.” We slept outside. He tricked me though. Then like midnight he went inside.

I woke up in the morning. I got inside, took a shower. It was like Friday night. There was no school. The school was closed by that time. It was the summer.

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